Life is so unpredictable! It’s truly a roller coaster ride filled with ups and downs, highs and lows, and thrilling, high-speed adventures with the wind blowing across your face and through your hair which are abruptly interrupted by sharp turns, nose dives and the occasional event which will have you hanging, flipped upside down screaming in fear😩. The thing to remember about roller coasters though is that none of those events will last forever…although the nose dives seem as though they will sometimes.
I grew up as an only child in a single parent household and spent most of my time alone in my own little world. I was quiet and very timid but I always had a strong desire to know the Lord so spent a lot of time reading the Children’s Bible my mother bought me. I decided to dedicate my life to Jesus at the age of 12 and wholeheartedly prayed the prayer of salvation awakening the spiritual being within me, YET in spite of it all, I still somehow ended up on the scariest of all roller coasters.
I mean there were what seemed like a series of back to back nose dives and far too many terrifying flips that I was literally sick to my stomach and cried out wanting the controller, Almighty God, to stop the ride and let me get off. But I found out that’s not how God works…so I had to stay onboard, hold on for dear life and TRUST GOD’S PLAN.
What I’ve come to realize and even appreciate now is that every horrible aspect of my roller coaster ride HAD A PURPOSE 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 and has built me to be tougher, stronger, wiser and more courageous! So that now when the nose dives happen, I don’t focus on the ground that appears to be quickly moving towards me or the somersaults taking place in my belly but I focus on the fact that God, my omnipotent and omniscient God who loves me unconditionally, would not allow me to go through anything without it having a purpose for my life and the building of His Kingdom.
You see in order for anything to grow and reach its full potential it must FIRST GO THROUGH THE PROCESS of being buried, broken down, molded, sometimes broken down again and remolded numerous times before it is then fortified enough that it is able to withstand the challenges that are coupled with greatness. The greater your blessings, the greater your elevation…the greater the evils that will come against you!!
The butterfly has to struggle through the sharp, jagged edges of the cocoon in order to scrape the heavy mucus from its wings so that it can fly to heights unknown. Women have to endure the excruciating pains of labor in order to push their babies out into a place where their growth will no longer be limited. Gold has to be put under extreme heat and high pressure before its pureness and extraordinary worth is revealed. And I had to be abused, betrayed, deceived, broken and shattered to be molded into the fierce, resilient and courageous Woman of God I am today!
But by no means has it been all bad!! God has blessed my life EXCEEDINGLY & ABUNDANTLY and with each and every hurt I’ve experienced, He’s turned around and blessed me even more. The Word of the Lord says, “to whom much is given, much is required”. I’ve been given much and I want to share the life lessons God has taught me (as Kim the daughter, wife, mother, relative & friend and as Dr. Kim) with you.
So….Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! And Thank you so much for visiting my page and allowing me to share my heart for God with you 💞💞💞.
Oh my my my … as I read this blog I can hear your voice strengthening as you share. I look forward to hearing you share more of the fortified resilience and having a place to pull nuggets of strength in moments of weakness. I love you my friend ❤️❤️